Although most of the album covers I am inspired by is not the music style of my magazine, the reasons as to why I am inspired are personally reasons that can be found from any music taste.
Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol. 2
This album, again is a different music genre to the one included in my music magazine, however I enjoy looking at this album thanks to the colours that are very appealing to the eye in my opinion, the yellow, green and red that are commonly seen as Rastafarian colours show a very chilled out tone to the album and tries to emphasise the sort of album it is.
The Love Unlimited Orchestra - Rhapsody In White
Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol. 2
This album includes very aggressive hip hop, however the album cover I feel is very effective due to the fact that the black and white background contrasting with the red text makes the title stand out and allows for the reader to not be introduced to an overwhelming album cover. The 'explicit content' in a deep black in front of the white wall makes the sign stand out and informs instantly to the listener the type of music they are about to listen to, this creates a certain comfort ability with the listener.
A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
Ian Dury - New Boots And Panties
This album, not only do I like the vivid colour of the title but also, I like the fact that from the first look, it looks incredibly simplistic. However, the detail in the cover is very interesting, with the large amount of text that isn't essential. This inspires my magazine in the sense that I don't wish for a lot of text to be on my cover, but the text in the background could be interesting for anyone who wishes to read it, but is not essential for those in the target audience that show laziness.
The Love Unlimited Orchestra - Rhapsody In White
This album is interesting. The reason for this is the fact that the colours are very bright and relaxing while the numerous fonts used for the title make it very appealing and nice to read and look at.
The Doors - Strange Days
This album is by far my favourite, not because of the music but the fact there is no title, text, barcode etc. I love. Its just different, the album's picture just looks like fun which provides a positive atmosphere for anyone looking at it. This inspires my magazine and gives me an idea as to what can be in the background.
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