Tuesday, 27 January 2015

60 Minute Magazine Cover

Started on a blank screen.

Added a picture of renowned rapper 'Mos Def'.

Added a second layer of just his body after cutting out his body.

Added a title 'X' behind the artists head with a font of. 

Added a barcode at the bottom right.

Added a small issue number, date and price to the top right.

Inserted a small amount of text and the artist's name. The term 'from around the world' is a play on words to a song created by him called 'around the world.

Moved the text and title further to the centre.

After a second look, i didn't like the font or size of most of my text, i changed the colours to make them contrast with the back to make the text stand out. i also moved around the text and barcode etc. to make it have a more attractive and neater look. 

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